Happy Holidays & New Year 2024! 🎅

Happy Holidays!

It's been a while since the latest update so let's recap where we are. The app development is making good progress; lately, I've added a mobile-friendly Music Player to the brand-new site navigation menu. And I've added the new menu on all the pages for easier navigation outside the default page.

I've also done some optimizations for Legitti.com and transferred the domain to the new registrar at Cloudflare. The site is also running from the new server but should be functional and working as before, powered by Cloudflare. Some other fixes include links not having an underbar anymore, and hovering colors on icons in the contact section are now working correctly. I've also made countless other smaller improvements and tweaks to the site. And I also got verified on Twitter.

Legitti.com will be also moving to another hosting server early next year for even better performance.

This is all preparation for the new Android app, which hopefully will be out for closed Beta sometime first half of the next year, and with some new music too!

If you are interested in the app beta testing, feel free to contact or email me.

December 20, 2023
